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How to get from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake, Guatemala

You can travel from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake by public bus, shared shuttle, private transfer, rental car, and taxi.

How far is Atitlan Lake from Guatemala City?

The distance from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake is 74,5 miles or 120 kilometers.

Transportation Options from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake

The following table outlines all transportation options from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake:

MethodTravel timePrice
Public Bus from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake5+ hours
Shared Shuttle from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake4 hours 30 minutesUSD 42
Private Transfer from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake3 hours 30 minutes
Rental Car from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake3 hours 30 minutes
Taxi from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake3 hours 30 minutes

How to get from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake, Guatemala

mala City to Atitlan Lake

1. Public Bus from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake

The cheapest way to get to Atitlan Lake from Guatemala city is by public bus.

The buses depart every hour at the corner of 21 Calle and 1A Avenida in Guatemala City.

Be aware that the buses don’t have air-conditioners and can be pretty packed! We don’t recommend taking the public bus after dark!

Did you know?

Public buses are often called chicken bus by tourists. Click here to find out why!

2. Shared Shuttle from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake

Atitrans offers daily shared shuttles between Guatemala City and Atitlan Lake.


  • Sedan car for up to 3 passengers
  • Van for up to 9 passengers
  • Bus for up to 22 passengers
Departure TimeArrival TimeDurationPrice per Person
06:00 AM01:00 PM7 hoursUSD 42Book
09:30 AM03:30 PM6 hoursUSD 42Book
01:30 PM07:00 AM15 hoursUSD 42Book
mala City to Atitlan Lake

3. Private Transfer from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake

If you are traveling in a group or want to be more flexible regarding the departure time, a private transfer may be the best option!

Number of travelersTotal price
1 to 3USD 215Book
4 to 6USD 245Book
7 to 9USD 275Book

4. Rental Car from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake

Another option to travel from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake is by rental car.

We recommend you make a reservation in advance!

5. Taxi from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake

Alternatively, you can also take a taxi from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cheapest way to travel from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake?

The cheapest way to travel from Guatemala City to Atitlan Lake is by public bus.

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